Terms of Service


I operate this training as a sole trader being a retired Kiwi Food Safety Officer/Verifier and Consultant.  So it’s not a business but a way for me, in my retirement, to keep adding value to help all Kiwis (old and new), understand why food safety is important, so they become empowered and motivated to make and serve food that is both safe and suitable.  As  such I do not undertake any real advertising, with most of my customers being repeats from businesses or personal referrals. So  I operate with a lower number of students than perhaps larger training establishments might. 

About Enrolment Fees

My motivation for running this training is not about making money, which is why my course fees are so affordable.  I am operating the training on a ‘not-for-profit’ basis so I just need to break-even with costs.


I am not registered for GST as my income is well below the required threshold. This means all my prices are GST exclusive and for any person/business wanting a formal invoice for tax purposes the receipt will show the GST content as $0.00.

Money-Back Guarantee

I focus on providing 100% satisfactory training, however, if for any reason you wish to cancel your enrolment and be refunded, then I will be happy to give you a refund ‘no questions asked on the following conditions:
   1   That you please advise me in writing (that is email me) so I can verify your enrolment;
   2   That you have not completed more than 50% of the course that you wish to be refunded for;
   3    That your enrolment and/or unused voucher code(s) are within 14 days of the date of payment;
   4    That you provide me with your bank account details so I can refund you by on-line banking.

Note that any refund claimed in regards to an enrolment by voucher code will be given to the person/business that purchased the voucher code and not necessarily the person enrolled.

If the reason for the refund request is due to issue from your verifier/Council would you please supply their contact details so I can explain how my courses achieve the requirements under Food Safety Laws.

Time Limit - Single Enrolment

You will note that when making a single enrolment for a course that the access to the the course is limited to one month. The reason for this is that sometimes students do not follow-up and undertake the training once they have enrolled. This can lead to logistical issues. In each of the courses a student should be able to complete the course in just a few hours and so a month’s access is significantly more than what anyone would need. If however any student has a problem taking the course after they have enrolled they can contact me before the access finishes and I will be happy to arrange for an appropriate extended access for them.

Time Limit - Multiple Enrolments (Voucher Code System)

Where a person or business chooses to enrol a number of people using the voucher code system, that such codes, upon issue will have a duration of one month from the date of issue. After the this month the voucher code will be deleted and any unused uses will be lost. 

So please ONLY enrol the number of people that you have ready to enrol within the month allocated.

Note however that people that have enrolled already using the voucher code will not be affected but will still be subject to the single enrolment time limit (that is the time in which they have to complete the course) which is one month from the date that they used the voucher code to enrol.

Business Termination

If Environmental Outcomes closes it’s operation then new enrolments would cease immediately but existing enrolled students would still have the time limits available as stated above prior to termination.  Only voucher code enrolments would be continue as per the provisions of the time limits.  Following termination all information including emails of students will be deleted from the website.

Security Issues

Hackers: Sadly, these days anything on any website can be hacked if the person hacking has the skill and determination. Government Departments, Hospitals and even major corporations are seen to be vulnerable despite the fact they may employ a significant IT security team and have the best anti-hacking software available. Therefore I only ask for the minimal amount of information from you for your registration/enrolment. The only information that is needed from you is your name (required for your certificate), and an email address (required for you to register/log-in).

Emails: Although the system requires an email address for you to register/enrol/log-in, this doesn’t have to be a sensitive or private email. You could set up a new email account using such as Gmail or use one of the many freely available temporary email services now available. Note if you choose to use a temporary email, that even when that email has expired you will still be able to log-in to your account Until information is removed (see below). Note that if you use an email that becomes inactive, that I will not be able to contact you for such things as a password reset. You would need to email me directly.

Retention of information: After the relevant time limit has elapsed, your information will be removed from this website so you will no longer have an account with access. Your account information, however will be downloaded by me to a password protected database that will be only stored on a detachable hard drive. So you could still contact me for such things as a copy of your certificate.

Privacy: To view our privacy policy click here: Privacy


1. The information available on or through this website is intended to provide general information to the public about food safety, and all reasonable measures have been taken by the website owner to ensure the quality and accuracy of the information available on or through this website.

2. The contents of this website:
   (a) should not be construed as legal advice;
   (b) are not intended to take the place of, or to represent the written law of New Zealand or other official guidelines or requirements.

3. Please ensure you consult the official Ministry for Primary Industries website at www.mpi.govt.nz for more information, including official versions of MPI documents and material, and links to relevant legislation.(a) should not be construed as legal advice.

4. This website is not an official page of the Ministry for Primary Industries, and is not owned or monitored by the Ministry for Primary Industries. The Ministry for Primary Industries is not responsible or liable for the content of this website nor any reliance placed upon it by any person, nor for the content of any material linked to this site, except where those links are to official Ministry for Primary Industries publications or videos. The Ministry for Primary Industries neither endorses the information, content, presentation, or accuracy of this website (including any product or service referred to on this website), nor makes any warranty, express or implied, regarding this website.

5. All content on this website  must be read in conjunction with this disclaimer.

Dated: 1st September 2023